Woodland Management Plans

β€œIn every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”

- John Muir

Woodland Condition Assessments

Every plan needs to start with a thorough understanding of the condition of your woodland. The woodland condition assessment documents the health of your woodland and notes the presence or absence of any key species that are important to woodland health, thriving biodiversity and longevity.

Depending on what your objectives are for your woodland, there are many areas we can look at, assess and then make recommendations on in order for you to maximise your enjoyment and woodland outputs.

The areas we can look at are:

  • Tree & shrub species presence, diversity and age

  • Ground flora presence and diversity

  • Presence of threats, such as pests & diseases

  • Restoration and maintenance of woodland or ancient woodland

  • Protection from squirrels, rabbits, deer, etc.

  • Habitat assessments

  • Grant applications and certification

Different types of management plan

We offer two types of plans depending on your immediate needs and future objectives.

Simple Plan

The simple plan looks at all the areas you wish to have assessed and will result in management recommendations over a 10 year period to help you meet your objectives. This plan is typically for those who are unlikely to seek external funding to support managing their woodland.

Forestry Commission Compliant

For those that are likely to see some form of funding to help manage their woodland, either through the Forestry Commission, Countryside Stewardship or other route, a Forestry Commission Management Plan will be required. We can undertake the surveys, assessments and create the management plan and support you with seeking funding for woodland management.