Agroforestry planning and advice
What is Agroforestry?
Agroforestry is the integration of (more) trees and shrubs into the farming landscape for multiple productivity, environmental and habitat benefits.
Agroforestry takes many forms, such as:
Widening hedges and creating windbreaks
Providing shelter belts and areas
Adding more hedges with regularly spaced trees
Creating wood pasture or traditional style orchards
Copses and small woodlands, particularly in field corners
Low density tree planting (think parkland)
Silvopasture (trees in livestock fields)
Silvoarable (trees in arable fields)
We can support and design your agroforestry initiatives, specific to your land, soil type and topography, your objectives or challenges you wish to overcome through the addition of trees to your farm.
Why is Agroforestry important and beneficial?
Agroforestry benefits include improved soil health and sustainable soil ecosystems, increased/additional crop production and protection from extreme weather such as reduced run-off and erosion.
Environmental benefits
Soil health: Tree roots help to cycle nutrients, bind soil together, and release carbon & nitrogen into the soil (Alder is an excellent nitrogen fixer)
Water and flood management: Trees both filter water and slow down runoff to prevent sediment loss
Water quality: Agroforestry can help to reduce nutrient runoff from agriculture with trees acting as filters
Carbon sequestration: Trees are additional carbon sequesters as part of the farming landscape
Biodiversity: Agroforestry landscapes provide important corridors and habitats for wildlife
Economic benefits
Crop production: Trees can provide shelter protection from extreme weather conditions, such as sun, wind, and heavy rain maintaining crop integrity
Extra income streams: Trees can provide wood-based products, fruit, and nuts for additional crops and income
Animal welfare: Trees can provide further shelter from weather and with careful selection, the right edible trees and shrubs can reduce mineral and vitamin supplements for livestock