Woodland Creation
"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit."
― Nelson Henderson
Woodland Creation Plans
There has never been a bad time to plant trees, but there is no better time than now. We can help design, plan and create your new woodland regardless of the size or objectives, whether its for amenity, habitat or timber value.
We can undertake initial survey work, select species, plan the layout, source additional capital items for planting, advise on pest management and plan maintenance for successful establishment and survival of the trees.
We can also assist with grant applications and funding, whether through the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) or otherwise to ensure that you’re able to meet your objectives.
Hedgerows and Agroforestry
As with ‘typical’ woodland creation, we can help you design the layout, plan the project and select the most suitable species for hedgerows and integrate trees into your farmland.
Depending on your land, its use and your objectives (whether its for biodiversity, shelter or to reduce erosion and run off) we can advise on the right species to support your objectives and ensure successful establishment.
We can also advise and support with funding applications for hedgerows and agroforestry initiatives.